How to Prepare for an Amazing QHHT Session
Preparing for a QHHT session is an exciting time. You will be preparing for an incredible journey that will be life-changing in many, many ways. Each regression is unique, and there are some practical steps that you can take to ensure a maximum experience.
** Important - Prepare Your List of Questions for Your Higher Self **
This is the fun part. Get into a nice comfortable place at a time of day where you can just relax and let your mind open into a place of fun and curiosity. You will brainstorm the best possible questions to ask your super-conscious mind for maximum impact to chart an amazing new course for your life moving forward. There will be no limits to where you can go and what you can ask.
Feel completely free…approach your life with a delightful curiosity of what matters most to you. Additionally, think back to any parts of your life where something very interesting or explainable may have happened. You’ll be entering the perfect time and place for some absolutely amazing answers to your questions.
(Now Please Review the Four Catagories Below & Create Your Questions)
Life Path
Are you at a crossroads in life? Have any big decisions been looming that could have a huge impact on the direction of your life experience? Or maybe it’s time to find your life’s purpose now? Now is the time to find out what you are truly meant to do with your time here on Earth. You’ll discover how to find yourself on the most profound levels. It’s time to do some soul searching on the level of your over-soul….the most powerful and wise place to access the answers to your life’s path. Here you can dive deeply into the most important questions that you have about how your should best spend your time, where you should be and who you should share your life with for greatest joy, growth, and fulfillment. Thinking about these deep questions will stimulate your subconscious for an outstanding QHHT session. Writing them down will ensure that you get the exact answers that you are looking for.
Health & Body
Through your QHHT session, we will have the opportunity to speak directly with your higher self and do a body scan. Your subconscious will lead a process by which your body will be scanned from head-to-toe and any areas needing energetic healing or realignment. This is a wonderful process that many feels are the greatest benefit of a QHHT session. In addition to the scanning and healing, it will be beneficial for you to list any questions that you may have relating to health, well-being, and vitality. You are free to explore many, many important areas to your overall health. This could include suggestions for chronic, ailments optimal foods to eat, water needed for maximum benefit, and/or instructions on exercise and sleep needs. It’s time to give your body exactly what it needs by going directly to your ultimate source of wisdom…your higher self.
Have you ever wondered if you had a past life with someone very, very close to you? Maybe you have a sense of curiosity about why you have met someone or what is the purpose of them being in your life? These answers can be discovered through your Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session. You’ll be able to look past the surface of your relationships and peer into their real depth. Learn the tools to solve any conflict. Understand anyone much, much better through getting the tremendous wisdom from your higher self. If you are on the fence about a romantic relationship, the guidance will be here to steer your along the best course for your fulfillment of love, pleasure, and growth.
Visions, Mysteries, & Dreams
Here’s the part where you can really let your curiosity run wild in a fun and fascinating way. Have you ever had anything happened to you that seemed so wild that it was unexplainable? This could include wild, vivid dreams. Perhaps you have thought about or experienced UFOs or connections to angels or other higher realms of intelligence. You will be opening a doorway into the highest levels of consciousness. And there will be no limits to the answers that will be revealed. Do you practice yoga or meditate? Maybe you have experienced some amazing feelings because of them that you find difficult to pinpoint or understand the full message. Open your mind to your greatest curiosities for your Quantum Healing session.
Once you have your questions written down, please go over them again and either print them or write them clearly on other sheets of paper as legibly as possible. Kaya will be reading these while you are in your deep state of theta relaxation, so the words should be as legible as possible.
Understanding the QHHT Process
Getting To Know You
Reviewing Your Questions
Hypnosis Induction
The BIG Three — Important Tips to Remember:
- When a question is asked…say the first thing that comes to mind and keeps on going. Do not give into the temptation of a long pause to think about or justify what is being said….that is the conscious mind trying to take control.
- When asked to describe what you see…visualize with as much detail, color, and brightness as possible. Bring as much sensory acuity forward as your possibly can. This attention to detail will make for a wonderful experience when listening back to the recording of your session.
- And finally, TALK A LOT!! When you are feeling the energy of your experience. Embrace it fully and talk lots and lots. Keep on going. Enjoy the expression of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to the fullest.
Past Life Exploration #1
Past Life Exploration #2
Conversation With Higher Self Begins
Body Scan & Energetic Healing
Q&A With Higher Self
Awakening Back Out To Regular Consciousness
Wonderful Conversation About Your Session

Opening Your Higher Self Awareness
It is beneficial to start imagining an easy connection to your higher self to prepare you for your journey. Affirmations work. Develop a very simple mantra for a minute before you go to sleep and for the minute right after you have woken up in the morning. Say to yourself that your relationship with your higher self is growing stronger and stronger. Say it with passion and feel it. Then briefly state several things that you are grateful for in this life. Feel the love and joy fully with each person, place or thing that you list.
What to Eat and Drink
- The night before your session you will want to avoid alcohol completely. In fact, it is best to abstain from alcohol completely for a few days before. You’ll want to be raising your awareness not dampening it through the depressant.
- The day of your session, cut back on the amount of coffee that your drink in the morning and only drink your coffee first thing in the morning. Too much caffeine may make your jittery and lesson your ability to deeply relax into the theta brainwave state during your QHHT session.
- Eat as healthy as your possibly can the night before and the day of your session. Avoid meats and processed foods as much as possible. Your session will last several hours, so the don’t skip breakfast / lunch…eat good sized portions of healthy food.
- Drink lots of water the night before and the morning before, but start to only sip water an hour before your session. The goal is to minimize the need for any bathroom breaks while your are in Theta, so hydrate well in the evening and early morning.
Benefits of Yoga and Meditation
You’ll want to enter your session with as clear a mind as possible. If you have a yoga or meditation practice, by all means, practice the morning before your session. If you don’t do either, that’s ok too. Stop all work or potential heavy emotional conversations with others a couple of hours before your session.
Finally, enjoy the day as fully as possible. Enjoy knowing that this process has been time-tested for over 40 years by the late Dolores Cannon and advanced further by her wonderful daughter Julia. This work has been the subject of many fascinating QHHT books by Dolores. Feel free to read one or more of them prior to your session. It will help to get you more and more excited for you day. When it arrives, Kaya will be there as your guide to take you into a deep, deep journey of self-enlightenment and empowerment. It is your time to shine. Enjoy every minute of it with an open heart and beautiful sense of curiosity.